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I believe more than anything that it is every child’s god-given right to thrive. We cannot control their parents’ financial situation and we cannot control their access to good education. We can however work to ensure that all  parents have the skills required to raise resilient and self-confident children. These are the fundamental components needed to raise a  future fit child.

-Natasha Freemantle-
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Natasha Freemantle

Founder & CEO


Hi, I am Natasha, I am a mother to two beautiful children, an advocate for children's right to thrive and owner and instructor at Yoga Ogre.


My quest to help children navigate life started in high school when I decided to pursue a degree in Child Psychology. Upon completing this, I was fortunate enough to be able to move to the UK, where I gained a bucket load of life experience and rerouted my path to something more creative. When I look back at my decision to change direction I would say I did this because, honestly, I struggled to work with children and separate myself from their heartache and struggles. Working in the creative industry still filled my cup and felt like the better direction to take for my mental health.


I then became a mom and was reminded of why I loved to surround myself with children and decided there were other ways I could work with kids that would still make an impact without the heartbreak. Add an epidemic and retrenchment and Yoga Ogre was born. 


As the pandemic progressed I watched as children became the collateral damage of Covid and there and then decided that this is where I could help, where I could use my child psychology studies and my yoga training to teach children the skills needed thrive in an ever-changing and often challenging world. The more research I did and the more webinars I sat in, the more I realised that it was children I needed to be helping AS WELL AS their parents. There are so many valuable parenting skills out there that influence a child's trajectory for the better, but many parents just don't know about them or have the time to research them.


So with a fire in my belly and armed with hours' worth of research and experience gained from my own parenting battles I launched Future Fit Kids.  


You are here because you have a vested interest in your child's future and ultimate success and have a desire to arm yourself with skills and knowledge to develop a parenting technique that is positive and impactful. I applaud you for this and look forward to becoming part of your village as you navigate raising resilient, confident children and future fit children.

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